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Expert Tips on How To Stop Dog Barking

I’ve been researching expert tips to stop dog barking because my Goldendoodle puppy, Kai, has started a bad habit of barking out our front window. So I decided to turn to dog training experts to give me the best advice on stopping unwanted dog barking.

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After trying many techniques, I found a few that were especially helpful. So I wanted to share them here.

Both Kai and Byrdie get very excited by people walking by, deliveries, and other events outside of our front window. I know this is a natural behavior because they want to alert us, but it can also be disruptive and problematic.

After my research, I learned there are many causes of dog barking. There are many approaches to solving the problem of unwanted barking. They all take time and consistency, so we’re still in process.  I feel much better knowing I have a plan to follow. 

So, here’s my summary of what I’ve been doing to help solve our barking problem, or at least minimize the behavior as much as possible.

Alert Barking and How To Stop It

When the doorbell rings or when the postal carrier is approaching, it’s normal that your dog wants to alert you that someone is there. Dogs' ears are so sensitive that even a small noise can make them want to alert you. But this can become a nuisance if you can't get it to stop.

One of the best tips I learned is that it helps if you reassure your dog by checking out what may be going on. When he sees that you’re protecting the area too, he’ll feel safer and won’t feel like he has to constantly alert you. 

Give Your Pup A Smaller Area to Control Barking

You also may need to make your dog’s world a little smaller, so that there aren’t as many distractions that lead to barking. For example, I blocked off the area by our front window, so that Kai can’t sit there looking for something to bark at.

By blocking his access to that area, it prevents those fits where he starts barking at a jogger coming by. This at least limits some of that behavior. Providing a safe and secure space gives him the space to relax and remain calm.

The "Leave-It" Command

However, in order to minimize or eventually eliminate these kinds of outbursts, it’s also important to let him get used to  people walking by the house. Anticipating barking before it starts can be one of the most effective ways to train your dog to stop barking.

Here’s what I learned to do: When I see someone is walking by the house, I will have treats ready in hand. As soon as Kai’s ears perk up, and he looks like he’s about to bark, I’ll give him a treat and say, “Leave it.”

I’ll keep giving him a treat and say, “Leave it” until the person is out of sight.

This works because it’s almost impossible for him to bark when he’s smelling or eating. It also reinforces the positive behavior of being quiet. I do the same thing while we're out walking on the leash.

Using the "leave it" command allows me to intervene early. I get his attention on me before he starts barking and acting up. It takes work, but he's getting better.

Working with Kai in this way has put me in a much better position to work on other behavior issues in the future. I’ve found it to work really well!

It will take a lot of repetition until he consistently learns good behavior whenever he sees these triggers. I know it won't solve everything, but I feel like it’s helped so much.

He’s still young, so hopefully he’ll grow out of this unwanted behavior as he becomes more socialized. It made me feel better to know that extreme barking with a young, unsocialized dog is common. 

The Best Time to Correct Unwanted Barking Is Before It Happens

It’s important to understand that the best time to correct unwanted barking is right before it occurs. I’ve learned some of the signs Kai shows before he starts to bark.

Before he barks is the best time to intervene, encourage him to look at me, and reward him when he complies. It just takes being patient and consistent.

I also make sure I use an enticing reward. This makes it easier to get his attention on me. Having a variety of treats keeps Kai interested. Deli meat, especially bologna, works very well.

The goal is to teach him to be quiet for just a split-second.  It’s important to reward any amount of effort. I don't expect too much. Just enough to catch him in a good behavior.

Since Kai already knows how to sit, I tell him to sit with the treat in my hand over his head. This gets the focus off of whatever is going on and onto me. 

Does Your Dog Get A Reward From Barking?

A dog might bark because he’s learned that he gets a reward for barking. This is known as demand barking.

For example, he may be in the habit of dropping a ball in front of you and barking until you throw the ball. Over time, he’s learned that when he barks, he gets that attention.

One of the best ways to discourage this type of barking is to turn your back and ignore your dog. Eventually, he will learn that he won’t get that attention.

Instead of picking up the ball and throwing it, you would just hold on to the ball and walk away. At first, he will bark again. As soon as there is any silence at all, you can throw the ball.

He will eventually learn that when he stops barking, he’ll get the ball. When he starts to bark, he won’t get the attention. It takes patience and practice, but it works.

The "Quiet" Command

Another useful tip I learned is to teach the “Quiet” command. This is similar to the "Leave-It" command.

Here's how it works:

If your dog barks when the doorbell rings, you pick a word such as “quiet”. You’ll say this word every time the doorbell rings. Then before you answer the door, you say “quiet” and hold out a treat in your hand in front of his nose.

Because dogs can't bark and smell at the same time, he’ll automatically stop barking. When the treat comes after you say the word “quiet”, he will eventually associate being quiet with the treat. 

Control Barking With Plenty of Mental and Physical Exercise 

Preventing boredom with regular exercise and playtime will go a long way in getting barking under control.

Dogs are a lot like children. If you don’t keep them busy and active, they’ll find a way to fill the boredom. Create a plan to make sure your dog gets the exercise and stimulation he needs.

Leash walking, chasing a ball, playing tug-of-war with a toy, or active play with other dogs lead to a better behaved and well-adjusted dog. Dogs do well when they have a daily routine. Decide who will be in charge of the activities, and for how long. 

I highly recommend all of these expert tips for controlling dog barking. Kai has been responding well to all of them, and I hope they help your dog too. 

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