F1B Goldendoodle Dog Breed: Important Facts and Personality Traits

Since we have two F1B Goldendoodles, it’s safe to say we love the essence of the Goldendoodle personality: a glorious absence of knowing they're actually dogs. Take a look at what I mean in this video and this video

What is an F1B Goldendoodle?

Hybrid Breed

Goldendoodles are one of many poodle mixes, known as “doodles.” The f1 Goldendoodle breed is a hybrid dog that is a cross of purebred Golden Retriever and purebred Standard Poodle. The parent breeds of the f1b Goldendoodle are a purebred Poodle crossed with an f1 Goldendoodle.

While Doodles are not AKC registered dogs, there are hybrid dog breed registries, such as the American Doodle Registry, that maintain an extensive database of Doodle registrations to document breeding, ancestry and health information of various Doodle breeds. 

F1B Goldendoodle Temperament: The Smarts of a Poodle and the Sweetness of a Golden Retriever

Doodle Personality

Most doodle owners know and love the doodle temperament and personality traits that are uniquely all their own. If you own any of the cross breed doodle types of dogs, you know their doodly-ness that is slightly human and dog at the same time.  

In this article, I share the telltale Goldendoodle personality traits of this popular hybrid breed.

Goldendoodles Are Highly Intelligent and Loving Dogs

When it comes to ranking in intelligence, Poodles rank second and Golden Retrievers are fourth among the world's most intelligent dogs. Because Goldendoodles are a hybrid between these two most intelligent dog breeds, they are extremely smart.

Some people would say that makes Goldendoodles high-maintenance dogs. They need proper training, daily walks, and intellectual stimulation. For this reason, starting training at a young age is a great way to ensure your Goldendoodle has a happy, healthy life for many years to come.

Consistency and positive reinforcement are key when it comes to avoiding behavioral problems and destructive behaviors down the road. Their intelligence and loving temperament also make them excellent candidates for use as therapy dogs, guide dogs, and service dogs.

Goldendoodles Are Social Dogs

The gentle nature of the Golden Retriever parent makes them a great companion for just about anyone. Most Goldendoodle owners, including those with small children, say they are wonderful family pets. The Goldendoodle temperament makes them great family pets and a good choice for people who can spend time with a dog on a regular basis.

They are a friendly, social, and people-oriented type of dog and are often a perfect dog for young children. For this reason, if you're away from home all day, a Goldendoodle puppy may not be the right dog for you. They need human interaction and don't do well if left alone for long periods of time.

With this hallmark Goldendoodle personality trait, some dogs can have a tendency for separation anxiety. As a result, a bored and lonesome Goldendoodle can become depressed and destructive, which can lead to behavioral issues such as digging and excessive barking.

In contrast, a socialized Goldendoodle will most likely become a well-behaved, well-adjusted companion. For this reason, you should begin socializing and training a puppy from a young age and continue this throughout the dog's life. 

Most Goldendoodles get along well with other dogs. However, some can get nervous around unfamiliar dogs. That's why it's wise to socialize your Goldendoodle puppy with other dogs and in new environments as soon as possible.

What Will My Goldendoodle Look Like?

Goldendoodles Have Curly, Wavy, or Straight Coats

While you might expect an exact combination of a Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle, the appearance of different Goldendoodles can vary quite a bit. A Goldendoodle's coat can be curly, wavy, or straight. No matter the type of coat, they all need regular brushing and grooming. Curly and wavy hair needs more maintenance than straight hair coats. 

Most Goldendoodle puppies will have their adult coat somewhere around six to twelve months. Once the adult coat grows in you will have an idea whether the dog's coat type will be curly, wavy, or straight. If you're interested in a hypoallergenic dog, wavy and curly coats usually have little to no shedding.

Dogs with wavy coats more closely resemble teddy bears, and they may slightly shed. Goldendoodles with tighter curls that more closely resemble a Poodle are less likely to shed and are a great choice for people with allergies.

Frequent grooming is essential in order to keep the coat free of matting and tangles. While some owners learn to groom their dogs themselves, many Goldendoodle owners opt to have a professional dog groomer maintain their dogs.

Goldendoodles Come In Many Shapes and Sizes

Goldendoodles come in many colors, shapes, and sizes and can grow anywhere from thirteen to twenty-four inches tall. They can weigh from fifteen pounds to over one hundred pounds.

Toy Goldendoodles

are the smallest and are about thirteen to fifteen inches tall and weigh about fifteen to twenty pounds. They are a mix of Toy Poodle and a Golden Retriever.

Miniature Goldendoodles

are the result of breeding a Miniature Poodle with a Golden Retriever. An intermediate-size, Mini Goldendoodles stand anywhere from sixteen to twenty inches tall and weigh twenty to forty pounds. Many people who want a smaller dog prefer the size of the Mini since the Toy Goldendoodles can be too small for some.

Medium Goldendoodles

are a size between Toy and Standard Goldendoodles. Medium Goldendoodles can vary greatly in size and are defined in various ways depending on the breeder. Breeders may also call them large mini Goldendoodles and Small Standard Goldendoodles.

Standard Goldendoodles

are the largest of the breed. They are usually about eighteen to twenty-four inches tall and weigh forty to one hundred pounds or more. Standard Goldendoodles parents are a Standard Poodle bred with a Golden Retriever. Since they are large dogs, Standard Goldendoodles need more space so they can get the activity and exercise they need.

By one year old, Goldendoodles are almost fully grown. Smaller sizes may stop growing earlier, while larger dogs may still continue to fill out after their first birthday. By age one, they are close to their fully grown height and weight.

So if you have a Toy or Mini Goldendoodle, your dog will most likely stop growing much sooner. On the other hand, Standard or Medium Goldendoodles are usually fully grown at one year and will continue to fill out until around two years old.

Goldendoodles Have a Talent for Eating While Laying Down

You might think that eating while laying down is lazy. But for the Goldendoodle personality, it's all about efficiency. Those long legs can make eating so tiring!

Just try stretching your neck down to reach a bowl on the floor for that long. To solve this problem, try elevating dog food bowls to make eating more comfortable for a doodle.

Choose a Quality Food for Your Goldendoodle

When it comes to feeding schedules, it's wise to get into the habit of feeding your Goldendoodle at the same time each day. This helps promote an internal schedule.

Make sure the puppy food you choose includes enough calcium and phosphorous to support proper bone development. There many dog food brands on the market. Take some time to learn about the options and understand what is best for your Goldendoodle.

When reading the labels of dog food, make sure the first ingredient is real, whole protein from animals. Also, compare the calorie content between brands to make sure your food provides the right amount for your dog. Finally, you want a food with no artificial additives, such as artificial flavors, or preservatives.

A balanced diet is as important to dogs as it is to humans in order to have a healthy lifestyle. A dog's digestive system can be sensitive to dietary changes, so gradually make any changes in types of food to your pup's diet. You'll want to watch for any irritations to your dog's digestive system when transitioning to a new diet.

Goldendoodles Are Playful and Fun To Have Around

While sticks are an all-time favorite, balls rank high on a Goldendoodle's list of fun toys. Maybe because they're sturdy and chewy at the same time. Zuma really likes these squeaky ones for playing fetch.

For most Goldendoodles, there's nothing more fun than a rousing game of fetch with their human. A doodle will appear in your face, ball in mouth, at random times throughout the day. They're always ready to play at moment's notice.

Most Goldendoodles love traditional dog activities, such as playing fetch, taking long walks, and running around the yard. In addition, many of these playful dogs love water and can learn to swim. As long as they get the right amount of exercise, most Goldendoodles are obedient and easy to train. 

Organized activities are a fun way to keep your Goldendoodle’s mind active. Consider agility training classes, canine good citizen certification, or scent work, just to name a few. You may also want to organize Doodle play dates in your neighborhood for a fun activity for you and your dog together.

Whether you're a homebody, or you love to go out and explore, your Goldendoodle will be at your side for it all.

The Famous Goldendoodle Head Tilt

The Goldendoodle head tilt lets you know they're listening. They seem to be fully aware of just how cute this is and how easily they can exploit it for a human's attention.

Goldendoodles are expert at responding to our voices and mannerisms. They're always taking everything in and recognizing the sights and sounds they associate with fun.

These best friends stay by your side through thick and thin. Eager to please, they are in tune with your emotions. They simply make perfect companions whether you want them to sit by your side, go for a long walk, or enjoy a good game.

Duped Doodle Parents

We don't always ignore the bad behaviors of Goldendoodles, but when we do, it's probably for good reason. We know the difference between loving a dog and spoiling it too much, right? 

If not, this book and this book will help. Also, if you're thinking about getting a Goldendoodle, it helps to understand all the different generations of Goldendoodles before deciding what's best for your family. 

At the end of the day, the teddy bear cuteness just invites you to spoil a Goldendoodle. But don't throw discipline out the window. Remember they are still dogs. Even if they try to convince you otherwise.

A Word About Choosing a Goldendoodle Breeder

Goldendoodles are often called designer dogs or a designer breed because they are not purebred dogs. They come in different sizes, ranging from the standard Goldendoodle to the medium Goldendoodle, to the mini Goldendoodle and miniature Goldendoodle.

Although they are not an American Kennel Club recognized breed, it's important to make sure you avoid puppy mills and seek out a reputable breeder when looking for Goldendoodle puppies. To find a trustworthy breeder, it's a good idea to refer to the Goldendoodle Association of North America.

Unfortunately, puppy mills are a big business. These are large, commercial breeding facilities of popular dog breeds where the animals live in poor, confined conditions. Puppy mills are abusive environments that mistreat dogs and provide little to no veterinary care.

Puppies that come from mills are often the result of inbreeding which causes serious genetic problems and health issues. For this reason, make sure you take enough time to do your research before purchasing a Goldendoodle puppy. For more information on how to avoid puppy mills visit the Humane Society of the United States or the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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Goldendoodle Puppy Supply List: 15 Essential Items


The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Goldendoodles