A Grandmother’s Advice and a Great Doodle Life

New things are blooming! No dog tips today. Because there’s more to life than taking care of dogs, am I right? While my blog will continue to serve as a go-to resource for Doodle Dog lovers, I’m excited to now add family and lifestyle resources here as well. To that end, this post is the first of my new series called “Mimi's Notes.”

A Little Bit About Me (Mimi)

It’s often said that you should write what you’re passionate about, which is why I started writing about life with my two Goldendoodles in the first place. But I also have some other big passions: life as a wife, mom, and now, grandmother. With 35 years of marriage under my belt and a little savoir-faire I've gained over the decades, I thought it might be a good thing to talk about that too. I’d like to spread a little joy about family, little things that make life a bit easier, some of my life's lessons, and, as always, life with doggies. 

Two Doodles and a Baby

Last year, I began an important assignment: taking care of our first grandchild while my daughter and son-in-law are at work. Do I have less free time? Of course, I do. Are my days tiring and full of more household tasks now?  Yes, but they're also enriching and full of joy! The baby world is much different than when we were new parents. I've learned so much because there's so much better advice and new research available now to help me do a great job in supporting their parenting choices. But even with all of the knowledge, I couldn’t be happier to offer Mimi’s caring love when Mommy and Daddy are away. Our dogs, Kai and Byrdie, love spending time with this little bundle too. 

I think I’m the only grandma walking around the neighborhood with two Doodles and a baby.

The baby is easier to manage than the dogs.

So now for the grandmother's advice (some reflections that come to mind).

1. Put on Your Favorite Lipstick Every Day 

I've always had an unspoken rule for myself. For many years, I wasn't even aware of this personal rule. I think it's because my mother may have unintentionally passed this habit on to me. No matter what I'm planning to do or who I'll see, I always wear a lipstick that I love. Even if I don't see anyone else all day, I wear it for myself. Looking back, I recall putting on my lipstick even when I was home recovering from childbirth, or sleep-deprived from taking care of my newborn, and even recovering from surgery. Without any other makeup, I apply my latest favorite color when working from home, not seeing another person all day long; before going to the gym, to the beach, or just to grab a Saturday cup of coffee. And you know what? It always makes me feel better. Give it a try; you might see what I mean!

My mother and grandmother always wore an iconic shade of red lipstick. It was Revlon - Fire and Ice. You can still buy it today.

(That’s me with the broken arm.)

2. Be Smart and Invest in Yourself

Education, in any form, is something nobody can take from you. By investing in our education, skills, and personal growth, we not only expand our opportunities and capabilities but also inspire and empower those around us. So read that book, take that course, try that skill, start that business, or get that degree. The best thing you can do is to invest in yourself. The earlier in life, the better— but it’s never too late. You'll thank yourself later.

3. Stay Organized

Keeping your home clean and organized pays off in so many ways, including less stress, more motivation, and productivity, just to name a few. When our surroundings and tasks are in order, we can navigate through the day with clarity and focus, minimizing stress and maximizing our time. If you feel unorganized, don't try to tackle everything at once, or you'll get overwhelmed. Break down the process into smaller, more manageable tasks. Start by decluttering and tidying up one area at a time, whether it's a messy desk, a cluttered closet, or a junk-filled email inbox. 

4. Make Your Bed

Making your bed every day is more than just a task; it's a powerful ritual that sets the tone for the rest of your day. It cultivates a sense of order and accomplishment. I've found that as I smooth the sheets and fluff the pillows each morning, I'm not just tidying up my space but also decluttering my mind. This simple routine offers a sense of mastery over your environment, instilling a feeling of productivity first thing in the morning. I look forward to returning to a neatly made bed at the end of the day. It's a comforting sanctuary, promoting better sleep and overall well-being. In essence, making your bed is a small yet significant step towards a harmonious and organized life. In the inspiring book, Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H. McRaven, the author sums this up perfectly: “If you want to change the world, make your bed.”

5. When You're Having a Hard Day, Do One Good Thing

This piece of advice was originally shared by Elena Mikhalkova in her grandmother’s poem. Committing to do one good thing every day has a ripple effect on ourselves and those around us. It reminds us that, even amidst life's challenges, there's always an opportunity to make a difference, no matter how seemingly insignificant. It can be something as simple as cleaning the kitchen, lending a helping hand, taking a walk outside, folding the laundry, or hugging the kids. Start with one good thing. Then do another good thing. These small steps will add up and turn into something bigger.

6. Dogs Can Make You Happier and Healthier

I believe life is better with a dog. I've always had dogs. Research shows that owning a dog can be good for your physical and emotional health. If you're a dog lover like me, that's good news! They can make us feel less lonely, keep us active, promote relaxation, and make us more social. Dogs depend on us, and because of that, they form strong bonds with us. We thrive on their devotion. Yes, we take care of them, but in their own way, they take care of us too.

7. Marry the Right Person

The person you choose to spend your life with changes your trajectory in so many ways. Warren Buffet has said that it's the most important decision you'll ever make. He emphasizes, “Marry the right person. I’m serious about that. It will make more difference in your life. It will change your aspirations, all kinds of things.” He also said, “You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you’d like to be. You’ll move in that direction, and the most important person by far in that respect is your spouse. I can’t overemphasize how important that is.” I've seen this in my own life, and research shows this too. According to a Carnegie Melon study, the person you marry has a huge impact on the pivotal decisions of your life. 

8. Be a Friend

If you need a friend, start by being a friend. Take the time and energy to make the first phone call, plan a lunch, or bring people together. Good friends can be trusted. They listen more than they talk. They make people feel better after spending time with them. They make you laugh. They make you feel comfortable. They let you be yourself. In looking back at the many friendships I've had throughout my life, I've realized that while they can ebb and flow over time, each friend has something to teach you at just the right time. 

9. Make Moments in Everyday Living

As Mimi, I'm looking through a different lens now. 

Amidst the routine and the mundane lies the essence of life—moments waiting to be woven into the fabric of our memories. It's in the gentle morning sunlight streaming through the window as we sip our first cup of coffee, in the laughter shared over a simple meal with loved ones, and in the warmth of a hug exchanged after a long day. Stop and take in the ordinary moments. They hold within them the magic of connection, the beauty of presence, and the depth of life. Find ways to cherish them, for that's where we find the true richness of life; where joy, love, and meaning intertwine to create a tapestry of memories that we can pass along to future generations.

10. Don't Underestimate the Power of Prayer

No matter how crazy the world gets, prayer is my go-to source of peace and joy. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it's making a difference in that moment, I trust that God is always working, even when I can’t see it! He has a plan, and no matter what things look like, God is listening. Phillippians 4:6-7 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."